Demystifying Structural Reports: A Comprehensive Guide for Indian Properties

Feb 26 2024

Archana Ajith Beena


When buying a home, individuals usually need more focus on the building's structural strength and integrity in favour of the interior design and features of the structure.  However, a structural failure could endanger life or cause significant bodily harm. Building laws are based on construction methods, so a structure must be constructed following the permitted layout. 

Structural reports and assessments are essential components of building development and maintenance. They involve assessing a building or structure's stability, safety, and general condition to ensure it satisfies safety requirements and is strong enough to support structural and environmental loads.

In this blog post, Brick&Bolt will explore the importance of structural assessments and reports and how they are carried out.

What are Structural Reports?

A structural report or analysis is a document that offers detailed information about a building or structure's structural state. It describes the materials utilised, the building construction, load-bearing capacity, and any existing damage or flaws. Typically, structural reports provide crucial information for insurance purposes to building owners and insurance companies. 

Usually, structural engineers, competent in examining the state of buildings and structures, conduct structural assessments and reports. These experts possess the knowledge and skills necessary to evaluate a building's structural integrity using a variety of instruments and methods.

Why are Structural Engineer Reports Important?

Structural reports are important to evaluate the state of a building or other structure. They offer the information required for maintenance and repair tasks and assist in identifying any possible dangers and hazards. Structural reports are also vital for insurance because they give comprehensive information to insurance firms about a building's structural condition, influencing insurance coverage and prices. They serve as a foundational tool for responsible property risk assessment and development.

Structural analysis is significant in various contexts, such as real estate, building, and property maintenance.

Here are a few main points emphasising their significance:

Compliance with Regulations: 

Building compliance with regional building norms and regulations is enhanced by structural reports. To confirm that the structure satisfies the relevant safety requirements, authorities frequently demand these reports during building, remodelling, or real estate transfers.

Informed Decision-Making: 

Stakeholders require precise information on a property's structural condition, whether purchasing, selling, or remodelling. Understanding the building's condition through a structural assessment facilitates decision-making and reduces the possibility of unforeseen issues.

Safety Assurance: 

Evaluating a building or structure's stability and safety is the main goal of a structural report. This is essential to protecting the inhabitant’s health and averting possible dangers. Early detection of structural problems helps reduce hazards and avoid accidents.

Risk Mitigation: 

Understanding the structural integrity of a building allows property owners to proactively address potential issues, minimising the risk of costly repairs or, in extreme cases, structural failure. This is especially important in areas prone to natural disasters or seismic activities.

Insurance and Financing: 

Insurance companies and financial institutions frequently need structural reports before providing coverage or financing. These studies aid in determining the property's risk, which affects loan conditions and insurance costs.

Resale Value: 

A property's value may increase with a positive structural report. A building with a track record of structural stability will attract more buyers since it gives them confidence and lowers their perception of the investment's risk.

Construction and Renovation Planning: 

A structural report helps engineers and architects create plans for building constructions or restorations considering current structural characteristics. This guarantees that any alterations or additions respect the structural integrity of the building.

Building Maintenance: 

Structural reports are used by property owners to schedule and rank maintenance tasks. Early detection of structural faults enables proactive maintenance, preventing little concerns from growing into more significant, expensive repairs.

Legal Protection: 

A thorough structural report can offer protection in certain situations. It acts as a record of the building's state at a specific moment, which helps settle disagreements or claims on flaws in construction.

Planning architecture

How Do You Assess the Safety of a House?

To find out if the house is safe, verify the certification that the builder received from the relevant authority following construction.

On the other hand, a builder might falsely certify completion. Thus, a structural safety audit and test can be carried out to determine whether a building is safe. This test comprises a design load, soil settlement, beam and column strength test on samples from various building locations.

Structural Safety Measures in Real Estate Projects

Structural safety is essential for any multistory building to prevent collapses during natural disasters like earthquakes and cyclones. Numerous factors, such as the foundation, walls, roof/ceiling pattern, beams, and material quality, affect the strength of the construction. Assuring structural safety is crucial since it gains investor’s trust. A building receives a structural stability certificate from a licensed and professional structural engineer registered with the local authorities, attesting to the building's safety and durability.


Consequently, structural strengths in relation to life-threatening circumstances should be prioritised. An authorised inspector should supervise the building process to ensure the structure is constructed under its design and specifications. Among other things, it might look for the overlooked reasons behind structural breakdowns, such as

  • Towering homes with decaying flooring

  • Unstable bases

  • Metal stairs that are rusted or decaying

  • Corrosion-ridden posts at ground level

  • Leaning or unstable walls

  • Erosion caused by stormwater on footings, stumps, and piers

  • Structures rendered unsafe by extensive termite damage or fire damage

The construction industry should prioritise lowering accident, injury, and fatality rates while upholding relevant safety regulations. This can be achieved by using high-quality materials and abiding by safety regulations. Finally, developers must provide a secure work environment for their staff members. 

Process of Obtaining a Structural Report

The process of obtaining a structural report involves several steps, with a key component being hiring a qualified structural engineer. 

Here is an overview of the process:

1. Identify Whether a Structural Report is Necessary:

Identify the precise justifications for the need for a structural report. This may be necessary for routine structural assessments, insurance needs, construction projects, remodelling, or property sales.

2. Find Structural Engineers with the Right Experience:

Look for qualified and experienced structural engineers. 

Consider the following steps:

  • Look through regional engineering directories or internet resources to locate certified structural engineers.

  • Consult with friends, relatives, or building and real estate experts for recommendations.

  • To obtain a list of certified experts, contact Indian engineering societies, such as the Institution of Engineers (India).

3. Check Credentials: 

Make sure the selected structural engineer possesses the required training and experience. Structural engineers in India may be registered with professional engineering bodies and often hold civil or structural engineering degrees.

4. Examine Experience and Specialization: 

Determine the engineer's experience level, particularly with projects comparable to yours. For example, an expert with knowledge of residential buildings would not be ideal for a commercial project, and vice versa.

5. Licensing and Certification: 

Verify that the engineer possesses the necessary licenses and certifications to work in India. A license guarantees that the engineer satisfies the requirements and follows professional ethics.

6. Request a Proposal: 

Contact the chosen engineers and request a proposal detailing the project's parameters, budget, and schedule. The precise actions required to carry out the structural assessment should be described in detail in this proposal.

7. Site Inspection and Assessment: 

Arrange a site inspection once you've selected an engineer and approved the plan. The engineer will carry out a comprehensive examination, looking over the building's foundation, materials, structure, and other pertinent aspects.

8. Data Analysis and Reporting: 

The structural engineer will examine the information gathered from the site visit and create a thorough structural report. Usually, this report contains conclusions, suggestions, and any required corrective measures.

9. Review and Approval: 

Give the structural report a thorough examination. If you have questions about the report's contents, speak with the engineer. Once satisfied, give the report the go-ahead for additional action.

10. Implementation of Recommendations:

Collaborate with the engineer to implement any repairs or enhancements the structural report suggests. Hiring builders or contractors may be necessary for this.

Efforts to Promote Structural Safety:

Only a few regulations guarantee that safety requirements are met during construction under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (RERA). There is no specific part of the Act devoted to construction safety. For example, a builder can only begin work on a project after receiving all necessary statutory approvals. Moreover, modifications to building designs or specifications require approval from two-thirds of the buyers. Before adopting RERA, the governments of Delhi, Gujarat, and Chandigarh, among others, mandated a structural safety certificate for property registration.

The building has been designed and built under Part-VI (structural design) of the National Building Code (NBC) of India 2005, as confirmed by the structural safety certificate. The criteria, which include administrative rules, general building requirements, construction and limitations about materials, building and plumbing services, are used by the NBC to regulate safety standards. In some instances, breaking the code may also result in the building's demolition or the approval being revoked.

How to Understand the Findings of a Structural Report 

Making decisions on the safety and integrity of a property requires having a thorough understanding of the findings of a structural report. This guide helps you comprehend the recommendations, identify areas of concern, and analyse the report. It also explains popular terms:

1. Reading the Report:

  • To gain a general overview of the most important conclusions of the paper, start by reading the executive summary.

  • Examine in-depth sections that address the building's overall condition, structural components, and foundation.

  • Take note of any diagrams or pictures presented; these can help you comprehend the problems more clearly.

2. Explaining Common Terms and Assessments in Simple Language:

  • Bearing elements for loads include the walls, columns, and beams that support the structure.

  • The foundation is the base upon which the entire structure is based; problems here may affect the building's stability.

  • A structural element's deflection, or how much it bends or moves under load, can be a sign of issues if it is extreme.

  • Metal elements deteriorating due to external variables like moisture is known as corrosion.

3. Emphasizing Any Concerning Areas:

  • Determine the kind and extent of cracks, as these may be signs of settlement or structural stress.

  • Note any indications of material decline in steel, concrete, or wood components.

  • Differential settlement can result in problems, including sloping floors and structural imbalances.

4. Recommendations and Remedies:

  • The report may classify issues based on how urgent they are. Give priority to resolving the most pressing problems first.

  • To avoid problems later on, some recommendations could call for routine maintenance.

  • The report might suggest repairs, reinforcement, or replacements if structural damage is found.

5. Possible Solutions for Identified Issues:

  • Underpinning and soil stabilisation are two techniques used in foundation repair.

  • To stop damage from water, particularly in crawl spaces and basements.

  • Using braces or supports to strengthen weak areas is known as structural reinforcement.

6. Importance of Professional Advice for Addressing Concerns:

  • Structural engineers are educated to recognise and resolve structural problems.

  • Expert counsel guarantees that the solutions are thorough and customised to meet the unique requirements of the structure.

  • Experts can help you follow the rules and ordinances on local construction.

Understanding the findings of a structural report requires a careful review of the document, a grasp of standard terms, and an awareness of the implications of identified issues. While specific issues could call for ordinary upkeep, others might call for more significant structural repairs. To ensure the safety and longevity of the structure, it is imperative to seek professional assistance before applying effective and long-lasting solutions.


Structural reports play a pivotal role in safeguarding the safety and integrity of properties in India. The structural integrity of your property in India is closely linked to its overall well-being. Setting structural reports as a top priority is a sensible and proactive way to own property. In addition to guaranteeing legal compliance, routine evaluations enhance your investment's general security, durability, and worth.

It is recommended that property owners see structural reports as an important resource for risk management and well-informed decision-making rather than just something necessary. Create a safer living environment and strengthen your property against unforeseen obstacles by investing in the structural health of your building. Setting safety and integrity as a top priority is crucial to responsible property ownership in India's ever-changing real estate market.

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