Construction industry

Ways to Improve Your House Foundation

Feb 10 2022


The foundation of your house and its footings serve as its hands and limbs as footings anchor the building to the ground. The foundation then bears the weight of the house. Even though block, treated wood, or stone have all been employed for building foundations, almost every modern home now uses a concrete slab. 

The building contractor constructs timber forms, inserts embedded steel bars ("rebar") between form faces, and then pours concrete into the foundation and footings. Once the concrete hardens, the concrete set gets removed from the foundational structure. A building foundation is usually the origin of a robust home structure. 

This foundation acts as a fundamental part of a building, and you cannot be innovative with your building interiors if the foundational support of your house is weak. We all know that the core of a structure is the first thing to be built when constructing a house. It is the reason people usually spend a lot of their time laying the foundation for their homes, as strong foundations make your house stand tall for years to come. 

In addition, it is not just a building ritual to build the groundwork first. The reason behind this is that your home's foundation serves as the base, and if this base remains vulnerable, the entire building can easily collapse like a pile of bricks. House foundations that are strong lead to future urban cities that are stronger, contemporary, and progressive, improving your standard and quality of life. 

Understanding the significance of a strong house foundation 


Your house's foundation transfers the mass or load to the earth, resulting in increased consistency and firmness. As a result, a robust foundation supports its weight and provides a leveled, flat foundation for construction.

However, when constructing your house's groundwork, you must keep in mind some important points as overlooking them can lead to significant problems in the future. One such fact is that your building foundation remains at the stake of rusting and oxidation if it remains close to the earth's surface (usually happens if you reside near coastal areas or seashores). 

When the foundation begins to rust, it spreads throughout the house's frame, weakening it. As a result, experts advise that you should always use corrosion-resistant steel bars (CRS) for foundation construction to avoid rusting. These CRS bars have several advantages over traditional TOR((Toristeg Steel Corporation of Luxembourg) steel, and some of them are as follows: 

  • There are no contorting (twisting) processes associated with production, so there are no leftover pressures in the steel bars, which improves its corrosion protection.

  • They become highly resistant to rust and corrosion after going through thermo-mechanical remedies, making them perfect for constructing coastal houses, roads, dams, and flyovers, among other things!

Six tips to improve your home's foundation and make it stronger

You need to pay extra attention to your house foundation because if it gets damaged, you will unquestionably have a challenging time repairing it. So if you want your residence to sustain through climatic variations and stand intact for decades, you must understand how to create a stronger foundation. Here are some points you must keep in mind to improve your home's foundation. 

  • Soil type plays an important role.

The type of soil you're building your house on has a significant impact on the construction process. In addition, you cannot use the same substance on every soil condition because the structure won't last as long. 

So we can say that choosing the accurate soil plays a key role and you must never overlook deciding on the soil type for your building foundation material. Furthermore, you must spread or lay the reinforcement (steel used as base rods) according to the soil type. 

  • Check to see if the rebar is too close to the soil.

Rebar (reinforced steel blocks) is installed within a concrete slab. When you place the rebar in the cement, it should be at least 4 inches deep at the base. It establishes a barrier between the floor and the steel embedded in the concrete. Rebar that is closer to the ground is more likely to rust. Once rust has infiltrated the rebar, it carries the potential to spread throughout the rebar system, weakening the groundwork.

It is why construction engineers and architects recommend TMT (Thermo Mechanically Treated) bars that can guard your building foundation. Moreover, these bars give the built structure a lot of strength and durability and remain available in 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, and 25mm sizes.

The following are some of the benefits that the TMT bars provide:

  • They are moldable and flexible by nature, which aids in the formation of pre-welded meshes, cutting fabrication time and thus construction schedule in half.
  • They can withstand high temperatures and thus provide fire protection to the framework.
  • TMT bars have a porous core that makes them highly seismically resistant.
  • They are also highly resistant to corrosion, as previously stated.
  • They are very durable, making them simple to work with during building construction.
  • They are very reasonably priced.

The foundation and mound layout are important.

The foundation of a house and footing should be of equivalent length and diameter as they sustain the load of your residence. In addition, you must make sure the concrete slabs that make up the framework are square and strategically placed.

Make sure the cement doesn't have any water in it.

Before moving ahead with your home's foundation development, you must ensure that all the water gets evaporated from the cement. If you begin building on wet cement or concrete, the water will remain stuck inside, causing the foundation to get weak. 

To sustain the foundation's power, you must inspect it regularly, even after being built for years. In addition, from time to time, you must review the groundwork for any ruptures or water seepage and take the appropriate measures to prevent damaged foundations.

Take care of foundation excavating and grading.

Bolts or excavators implanted in the slab of the framework play a significant role in the foundation's power. They make sure the frame is perfectly aligned and evenly distributed on the foundation. In addition, you must pay equal attention to building grading and make it smooth, or it might mess up your construction. 

Keep in mind concrete cure time to build a solid foundation.

To ensure that your home's foundation stands strong for an extended time, you must let the foundational concrete cure perfectly. If the concrete used in your building's foundation does not cure well, your building foundation will be weak and more prone to cracks and ruptures. 

In addition, as the foundation remains constructed inside the floor, foundations can deteriorate over time due to moisture exposure, weather changes, and other factors. To protect the foundation walls from such elements, you should cover them with water resistance.

These were the methods for laying a solid foundation for your home. Because of the numerous benefits they provide, using TMT steel bars is highly recommended if you want to guarantee that your residence remains in excellent condition and protects the core. Furthermore, if you pay close attention to such specifics when constructing your home's foundation, you can keep it in top condition for years.

Signs that your foundation needs repair

Mentioned hereunder are some of the top signs that your building foundation needs repairs. 

  • Damage due to termite.

Bugs and termites can nibble away at wooden beams, wall stringers, ceiling trusses, and other structural elements in homes, causing significant structural damage in the long run. 

It's easy to confuse termite-caused structural damage like drooping ceilings and ruptured walls with functional movements. In addition, if you do not remove these termites as soon as possible, a house can get entirely damaged, making it challenging to reside there.

  • Leaking roof and sagging rooftops.

Roof coatings usually get designed to last up to 30 years before demanding a replacement. However, if your ceiling starts leaking before reaching the end of its useful life, the cause could be wood frame movement, weather-induced injury, or a lack of proper maintenance. 

Roof leaks must get repaired as soon as possible, as the water can cause severe damage to internal mechanisms and result in significant (and costly) harm. Roof boundaries that are drooping or uneven indicate that the roof structure is failing. Withdrawal of load-bearing walls, termite damage, overloading of assisting members over time, or inaccurate defining timber sizing can all contribute to this.

  • Cracks in the walls and ceilings.

Although not all cracks in the walls and ceilings indicate structural failure, it's worth keeping an eye on them to see if they become a problem. Cracks in a step pattern above door frames, as well as cracks preceded by a slumping ceiling or uneven floors, indicate a serious issue that must get fixed as soon as possible.

  • Uneven floors.

Uneven floors come in a wide variety of intensity levels and may or may not necessitate urgent attention. Improper building and a clearing foundation are two of the more significant causes, which demand the assistance of a structural contractor to assess. Uneven floors can also arise due to broken floor beams, termite damage, and insufficient sub-floor supports. This issue can damage the entire house and is quite prevalent in old homes.

  • Wet or sticky sub-floors.

A subfloor with insufficient airflow prevents water loss, resulting in a proliferation of humidity and fungal growth. Exterior stains and other indications of worsening can be; used to identify rotting floor timbers due to the increased dampness. In such situations, clearing barriers that prevent water loss and expanding the number of ventilation systems for better ventilation and drainage are possible solutions.

  • Rotten wood.

Timber is a potent and long-lasting substance that can last several generations, but it must get protected to avoid premature decay. To avert being revealed to surroundings where dangerous fungi can grow and thrive. Therefore, it is crucial to protect your timber. It includes ensuring that your wood never gets exposed to excessive moisture that helps the fungus that causes rot.

  • Crumbling concrete.

Exposure to elevated levels of moisture and harmful substances is the primary cause of collapsing concrete and stonework, also known as spalling. The concrete absorbs salts and halides, which creates a chemical process within the concrete. This chemical process causes particles to grow and expand, separating the materials' bonds. 

Salts assimilated react with reinforcing steel, causing rust and busting the material's bond (steel can broaden up to five times its previous form). Mortar erosion is prevalent in the lower areas of brickwork beneath the wet coarse or waterproofing surface, and it indicates that there may be more issues to investigate.

  • Warped ceilings.

Warped and drooping ceilings or wavy or ruptured cornices, or more noticeable cracks across the ceiling are other signs that demand repairs. These issues should get repaired as quickly as possible, or they can damage the plasterwork of your roof. 

  • Doors and windows that don't fit

When doors can't close perfectly or shutters get trapped in their frames, it's an apparent sign of a severe structural problem. When the floor shifts beneath the foundation, this can happen. If the house gets built on stumps, it may be necessary to re-stump in some or all regions. 

Slab piles can occur in homes built on concrete blocks and clay soils. It occurs when the soil beneath the slab expands as moisture levels rise, lifting the surface and causing severe structural issues that must be assessed by a professional.

Tests for checking the quality of concrete

Here are some ways for checking the concrete quality:

  • Air content

As the air volume gets lost during mobility, arrangement, and finishing, air content refers to the overall moisture in a concrete mixture.

  • Concrete cure time

Concrete cure time refers to converting mixed concrete from a liquid to a solid condition. The duration between when water gets added to the cement and when a needle with a 1 mm rectangular area fails to penetrate the test block is known as the initial setting time.

Final words 

With these important measures mentioned above, you can strengthen your house foundation. Also, to ensure that you have a robust foundational structure, you can take the help of reputed construction companies like Brick & Bolt. 

Brick & Bolt is a well-known modern construction firm that can help you build your dream home on a strong foundation. Contact now!

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